
Video games

Par FLORENCE DUPRE-TRAMIER, publié le mercredi 26 juin 2013 08:46 - Mis à jour le samedi 25 septembre 2021 12:43

Video games

1/A computer:

a computer screen (écran d'ordinateur)

a ' laptop (portable)

a ' helmet (casque)

a ' website (site web)

a ' joystick (manette)

a ' keyboard (clavier)

a mouse (souris)


' download (télécharger)

save (sauvegarder)

de'lete (effacer)

design a program (concevoir un programme)

play games on a com'puter/' mobile phone


3/A debate: Are video games dangerous?

►Video games are dangerousno

If you play too much you will/may/might/can (voir Fiches grammaire correspondantes)

lose contact with reality

live in an i'maginary world

'focus only on the game's a'chievements

lose their moti'vation to be someone in the real world

lose your real friends

lose the notion of money

play too much /spend 'several hours on the 'internet

have less time to 'study / do real life things

be(come)/get a'ddicted to their 'virtual life

be(come) hooked to

become 'violent

train to use 'weapons.

feel 'insensitive to violence and 'suffering


►Video games are not dangerousyes

Even if you play, you will still be able to tell reality from imagination because you will/...

have contact with re'ality through the rules

be banned if you don't respect the site's rules

have 'virtual friends (but you must be careful)

help people re'lax and have fun

forget their worries and problems

start your life over again in the virtual world

create another you

win prizes

Licence Creative Commons
video_games de florencedupretramier est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.

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