
Mrs D-T's pupils: List to learn throughout the year, Part 2(N° 17-25)

Par FLORENCE DUPRE-TRAMIER, publié le mercredi 6 juillet 2016 19:34 - Mis à jour le dimanche 10 juillet 2016 13:16


sell, sold ,sold, vendre

Conversation: It sells like hot cakes= It sells very well

tell , told, told, dire, raconter

Conversation: “Tell me your name, please”

burn , burnt , burnt (burned), brûler

Conversation: “The house was burnt to the ground.”

hear , heard, heard, entendre

Conversation: “Have you heard the news?”

learn, learnt, learnt (learned) apprendre

Conversation: “He learnt form his mistakes. He won't do it again.”


find [aq] found [ax] found [ax] trouver

Conversation: “She found the courage to leave him.”

make [eq] made [eq] made [eq] faire, fabriquer, rendre

Objects: “Made in China.”

spoil [cq] spoilt [cq] spoilt [cq] gâcher, gâter (un enfant), pourrir

Conversation: “The bad weather spoilt our holiday.”



bear [eF] bore [c:] borne [c:] porter, supporter, naitre( born)


Conversation: “I wasn't born yesterday! You won't fool me!” (=I'm wise/old enough not to be taken easily in)

swear swore sworn jurer

Conversation: (Law) “Do you swear? -I swear.”

tear tore torn déchirer

Conversation: “He was torn between his wife and his mother”

wear wore worn porter (vêtement)

Conversation: “I never wear a hat.”'



break [eq] broke [Fx] broken [Fx] casser


Conversation: “I didn't know how to break the ice with her” (say/do something to make people feel comfortable)

choose [u:] chose chosen choisir

Conversation: “I can't choose between chocolate and toffee!”

freeze [i:] froze frozen geler

Conversation: I'm freezing!= I feel so cold!

speak [i:] spoke spoken parler

Conversation: “ Speak of the devil! There he is! “(= talking about someone when he suddenly appears)

steal [i:] stole stolen voler

Conversation: “They stole a bike."

wake up [eq] woke up woken up réveiller, s’éveiller

Conversation: “She woke up from a nightmare.”



show [Fx] showed [Fx] shown/showed [Fx] montrer


Conversation: “The shop assistant showed me a nice dress.”

blow blew [u:] blown [Fx] souffler

Conversation: “The wind blew away the clouds.”

grow grew grown croître, faire pousser, grandir

Conversation: “Haven't you grown!”(=You have become taller)

know knew known savoir, connaitre

Conversation: “I know him well”

throw threw thrown lancer, jeter

Conversation: “He threw the ball 15 meters.”



drive [aq] drove [Fx] driven [q] conduire


Conversation: It drives me mad!

ride [aq] rode [Fx] ridden [q] aller à cheval, a vélo, a moto

Conversation: She rides to work on a bike.

rise [aq] rose [Fx] risen [q] s’élever, se lever

Conversation: “Rise and shine!” (in the morning, when you wake someone up)

write [aq] wrote [Fx] written [q] écrire

Conversation: “My little brother can read and write.”



beat [i:] beat [i:] beaten [i:] battre


Conversation: I beat him at chess (Je l'ai battu aux échecs) → Music: Beat time (battre la mesure)

bite [aq] bit [q] bitten [q] mordre

Proverb: “Once bitten, twice shy”

Conversation: “I've bitten up more than I can chew”

eat [i:] ate [e] eaten [i:] manger

Conversation: “She is eaten up with jealousy.”

Conversation: “You can't have your cake and eat it” (=You have to choose).

fall [c:] fell [e] fallen [c:] tomber

Conversation: “Fall”(USA)= Autumn

forget [e] forgot [o] forgotten [o] oublier

Conversation: “She never forgets a face.”



forbid [q] forbade [eq] forbidden [q] interdire


Conversation: “I forbid you to drink alcohol!”

give [q] gave [eq] given [q] donner

Conversation: “Give me time and I'll manage it. ”

hide [aq]] hid [q]] hidden [q]] cacher

→ Game: Hide and seek.

shake [eq] shook [x] shaken [eq]secouer, trembler, serrer la main

Cooking: A milk shake.

take [eq] took [x] taken prendre

Conversation: “She took him by the hand.”



begin [q] began [A] begun [y] commencer


Conversation: It soon began to rain

drink drank drunk boire

Conversation: “He drank from the bottle.”

ring rang rung sonner

Conversation: It doesn't ring a bell= it doesn't remind me of anything.

sing sang sung chanter

Conversation: Sing us a song!

spring sprang sprung jaillir, bondir, provenir de

Conversation: She sprang to the rescue.

swim swam swum nager

Conversation: He swims with the stream (He thinks or act in accordance with the opinions of the majority).