

Par FLORENCE DUPRE-TRAMIER, publié le lundi 15 juillet 2013 10:52 - Mis à jour le samedi 25 septembre 2021 12:36

A. Different types of food make up a healthy balanced diet:

1/ Starchy foods

bread (pain)

cereals (céréales): wheat, barley, corn,...

potato (pomme de terre)

pasta (pâtes); noodles (nouilles)

rice (riz)


2/ Fruit and veg(etables)

We need to get 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. They may be fresh,  frozen, canned or dried. Some people grow their own fruit and vegetables in their garden. They have green fingers!


an apricot (abricot)


plum (prune) a prune (pruneaux)

peach (pêche) She's a peach! (beautiful)

pear (poire)

apple ( pomme) An apple a day keeps the docyor away!

cherry (cerise)

fig (figue)

grapes (raisin)

raisins (raisins secs)


banana  (banane)

pineapple (ananas)

coconut (noix de coco)

mango (mangue)



strawberry (fraise)

raspberry (framboise); blackberry (mûre); blueberry (myrtille)

red currant (groseille); black currant (cassis)




lemon (citron) lime (citron vert)


a watermelon (pastèque)

a cantaloupe melon (melon)


VEGETABLES (légumes)

garlic (ail)

onion (oignon)

parsley (persil)

leek (poireau)

turnip (Jack o Lantern ) (navet )

 parsnips (panais)

carrot (carotte)

rhubarb (rhubarbe)


salad (salade)

head of chicolry/endive-US (endive)

spinach (épinards)

chard (blettes)

peas (petits pois) 

French beans (haricot)

aspargus (asperge)

artichoke (artichaut)

avocado (avocat)


broccoli (brocoli)

cabbage (chou)

cauliflower (chou-fleur)

cucumber (concombre)

pickle (cornichon)



radish (radis)

beetroot  (betterave)


pepper (poivron) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. Where's the peck of picked pepper Peter Piper picked?

aubergine (GB)/eggplant (US)


pumpkin ( potiron/citrouille)

marrow (courge)


mushroom (champignon)


3/ Milk and dairy foods

cows' milk, goats' and sheep's milk





crème fraîche


4/ Sources of protein: meat, fish, eggs, beans, ...
meat (viande): beef (boeuf);  pork (porc), lamb (agneau); chicken (poulet); turkey (dinde), duck (canard) and goose (oie)

sausages (saucisses), steak, joint (rôti); bacon (bacon), ham (jambon)

fish (poisson), caviar

eggs (oeufs)

(baked/broad/kidney)beans (haricots), (garden/black-eyed) peas,




nuts: almond; pecan; pistachio, walnut; chestnut; peanut


5/ Foods  high in fat: butter, oil, cream, ice cream, savoury snacks,

chips (GB) french fries (USA) (frites)

6/ Sugary foods:

sweets ; lollipop

candy bar


cake; cupcake; pie (tarte)


chocolate (dark/milk chocolate)

honey (miel)

7/ drinks

water (eau)

tea (thé)

herb tea (infusion)

coffee (café)


sugary soft drinks (boissons sucrées): an orange juice; a lemonade

alcoholic drinks (boissons alcolisées): beer (bière), wine (vin), cocktail


B. Conversation

It tastes (rather/...)

sour (acide, aigre) salty (salé), bitter (amer), sweet (sucré)

yes It is tasty;delicious;excellent;yummy (children)

no It is (a bit) bland;chewy;greasy; heavy; strong


►Before eating, you can say: "Bon appétit", or "Enjoy"

► Ordering food in a restaurant

Waiter: Good morning. Are you ready to order (passer la commande)?

Customer: Yes. Can I have (*) please?

Waiter:Sure. What would you like to drink?

Customer: I will/'ll have ()

Waiter: Certainly. Would you like a dessert?

Customer: I would/'d like ()


Customer: Excuse me. Can I have the bill (addition), please?

Waiter: Certainly. Coming right up! ( tout de suite) / Here you are (voici).


*: the chicken salad, the vegetable lasagne, the burger and chips, the mushroom pizza, the soup, ...

: a bottle of mineral water; a soda; an orange juice; a (cup of)coffee, a (cup of) tea, ...

: an apple pie; a fruit salad; a vanilla ice cream, ...



C. What do you know about British dishes? Anglophenia takes us on a tour. Bon appetitwink!

D. And a classic recipe from a great British TV show  (The Great British Bake off). Aren't you hungry?

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food de florencedupretramier est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.