

Par FLORENCE DUPRE-TRAMIER, publié le vendredi 9 mai 2014 17:14 - Mis à jour le samedi 1 septembre 2018 07:10

Let's save our planet!

Elsewhere on the web:


Causes and environmental issues/problems

A few consequences/ Environmental issues surprise

• Carbon emissions/greenhouse gases from cars and factories > Pollution

➔ The greenhouse effect; Climate change
➔ Acid rain killing forests
➔ Biodiversity loss; Chemicals contaminates rivers/land
➔Dangerous for our health

• Climate change
(destroying forests; diverting rivers)

➔ The melting of the polar cap
➔ The rise in sea levels
➔ Floods
➔ The multiplication of hurricanes and tornadoes
➔ Desertification
➔ Water shortage
➔ Biodiversity loss

• Deforestation

➔ Biodiversity loss
➔ People have to relocate > tensions: it threatens peace.
➔ Climate change

• Desertification

➔ Water shortage
➔ Reduction of agricultural land
➔ People have to relocate > tensions: it threatens peace.

• The rise in sea levels
The multiplication of hurricanes and

➔ Destruction of houses/buildings
➔ People have to relocate > tensions: it threatens peace.
➔ People die

laugh Individual behaviour blush


– Throwing away plastic bags, cans, bottles
– Not recycling
– Throwing chemicals/dangerous products into


– Use harmless substances/materials
– Recycle, reuse, reduce all that we can
– Bring our own bags (supermarket)
– Eat meat less often as part of a balanced diet.
– Use only the water we need.

– People taking their cars too often
– Buying mostly things/food from far way
=Too much consumption of fossil fuels

- Change our lifestyles
– Reduce our carbon footprint/consumption of
fossil: share a car or take the bus; walk or cycle
for short distances
– Use products from sustainable and local
agriculture; buy mostly local produce
– grow our own vegetables/be self-sufficient with

– Let the electrical items on

– Use alternative/renewable energy sources
– Turn the electric appliances off
– Use energy saving lightbulbs
– Turn our heating lower and insulate our homes.


Licence Creative Commons
environment de florencedupretramier est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.


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