
Daily routine

Par FLORENCE DUPRE-TRAMIER, publié le mercredi 19 juin 2013 08:52 - Mis à jour le dimanche 12 juillet 2015 17:43

My daily routine


Ex:In the week, I always get up at 6.30 but at the weekends I usually get up at 9.


In the morning

In the afternoon/evening

wake up


get up


brush/clean my teeth


wash myself/my face


dress myself


brush/comb my hair


have breakfast: eat toasts, drink a glass of milk/a cup of tea, ...


leave home

go/walk/cycle to school


start work/classes (> fiche A2 school)



have lunch


finish work/classes


get home


have dinner


go to bed



A British pupil from year 8 (5ème) wrote about a typical day at school. Find out more.



Licence Creative Commons
daily routine de florence.dupre-tramier est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International.

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